.. currentmodule:: neuro_sdk .. _plugin-reference: =========================== Plugins API Reference =========================== .. currentmodule:: neuro_sdk PluginManager ============= .. class:: PluginManager Allows plugins to register their features. Provided to **neuro_api** entrypoint (check https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/ for more info about entry points). .. attribute:: config Define new user config parameters :class:`ConfigBuilder`. ConfigBuilder ============= .. class:: ConfigBuilder Helper class that contains methods to define new user config variables (check :meth:`Config.get_user_config`). .. method:: define_int(section: str, name: str) -> None Define new integer config parameter with given name in given section .. method:: define_bool(section: str, name: str) -> None Define new `bool` config parameter with given name in given section .. method:: define_float(section: str, name: str) -> None Define new float config parameter with given name in given section .. method:: define_str(section: str, name: str) -> None Define new string config parameter with given name in given section .. method:: define_int_list(section: str, name: str) -> None Define new integer list config parameter with given name in given section .. method:: define_bool_list(section: str, name: str) -> None Define new `bool` list config parameter with given name in given section .. method:: define_str_list(section: str, name: str) -> None Define new string list config parameter with given name in given section .. method:: define_float_list(section: str, name: str) -> None Define new float list config parameter with given name in given section