Source code for neuro_sdk._storage

import asyncio
import enum
import errno
import fnmatch
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import time
from dataclasses import dataclass
from email.utils import parsedate_to_datetime
from pathlib import Path
from stat import S_ISREG
from typing import (

import aiohttp
import attr
from yarl import URL

from ._abc import (
from ._config import Config
from ._core import _Core
from ._errors import NDJSONError, ResourceNotFound
from ._file_filter import AsyncFilterFunc, FileFilter
from ._rewrite import rewrite_module
from ._url_utils import (
from ._users import Action
from ._utils import (

log = logging.getLogger(__package__)

READ_SIZE = 2**20  # 1 MiB

Printer = Callable[[str], None]

class FileStatusType(str, enum.Enum):
    FILE = "FILE"

class FileStatus:
    path: str
    size: int
    type: FileStatusType
    modification_time: int
    permission: Action
    uri: URL
    target: Optional[str] = None

[docs] def is_file(self) -> bool: return self.type == FileStatusType.FILE
[docs] def is_dir(self) -> bool: return self.type == FileStatusType.DIRECTORY
def is_symlink(self) -> bool: return self.type == FileStatusType.SYMLINK @property def name(self) -> str: return Path(self.path).name @rewrite_module @dataclass(frozen=True) class DiskUsageInfo: cluster_name: str total: int used: int free: int org_name: Optional[str] = None uri: Optional[URL] = None @rewrite_module class Storage(metaclass=NoPublicConstructor): def __init__(self, core: _Core, config: Config) -> None: self._core = core self._config = config self._file_sem = asyncio.BoundedSemaphore(MAX_OPEN_FILES) self._min_time_diff = 0.0 self._max_time_diff = 0.0 def _normalize_uri(self, uri: URL) -> URL: return normalize_storage_path_uri( uri, self._config.username, self._config.cluster_name, self._config.org_name ) def _get_storage_url(self, uri: URL, *, normalized: bool = False) -> URL: if not normalized: uri = self._normalize_uri(uri) assert is not None return self._config.get_cluster( / uri.path.lstrip("/") def _set_time_diff(self, request_time: float, resp: aiohttp.ClientResponse) -> None: response_time = time.time() try: server_dt = parsedate_to_datetime(resp.headers.get("Date", "")) except ValueError: return server_time = server_dt.timestamp() # Remove 1 because server time has been truncated # and can be up to 1 second less than the actual value. self._min_time_diff = request_time - server_time - 1.0 self._max_time_diff = response_time - server_time def _check_upload( self, local: os.stat_result, remote: FileStatus, update: bool, continue_: bool ) -> Optional[int]: if ( local.st_mtime - remote.modification_time > self._min_time_diff - TIME_THRESHOLD ): # Local is likely newer. return 0 # Remote is definitely newer. if update: return None if continue_: if local.st_size == remote.size: # complete return None if local.st_size > remote.size: # partial return remote.size return 0 def _check_download( self, local: os.stat_result, remote: FileStatus, update: bool, continue_: bool ) -> Optional[int]: # Add 1 because remote.modification_time has been truncated # and can be up to 1 second less than the actual value. if ( local.st_mtime - remote.modification_time < self._max_time_diff + TIME_THRESHOLD + 1.0 ): # Remote is likely newer. return 0 # Local is definitely newer. if update: return None if continue_: if local.st_size == remote.size: # complete return None if local.st_size < remote.size: # partial return local.st_size return 0
[docs] @asyncgeneratorcontextmanager async def list(self, uri: URL) -> AsyncIterator[FileStatus]: uri = self._normalize_uri(uri) url = self._get_storage_url(uri, normalized=True) url = url.with_query(op="LISTSTATUS") headers = {"Accept": "application/x-ndjson"} request_time = time.time() auth = await self._config._api_auth() # NB: the storage server returns file names in FileStatus for LISTSTATUS # but full path for GETFILESTATUS async with self._core.request("GET", url, headers=headers, auth=auth) as resp: self._set_time_diff(request_time, resp) if resp.headers.get("Content-Type", "").startswith("application/x-ndjson"): async for line in resp.content: server_message = json.loads(line) self.check_for_server_error(server_message) status = server_message["FileStatus"] yield _file_status_from_api_ls(uri, status) else: res = await resp.json() for status in res["FileStatuses"]["FileStatus"]: yield _file_status_from_api_ls(uri, status)
[docs] @asyncgeneratorcontextmanager async def glob(self, uri: URL, *, dironly: bool = False) -> AsyncIterator[URL]: if not _has_magic(uri.path): yield uri return basename = glob_in_dir: Callable[[URL, str, bool], AsyncGenerator[URL, None]] if not _has_magic(basename): glob_in_dir = self._glob0 elif not _isrecursive(basename): glob_in_dir = self._glob1 else: glob_in_dir = self._glob2 async with self.glob(uri.parent, dironly=True) as parent_iter: async for parent in parent_iter: async with aclosing(glob_in_dir(parent, basename, dironly)) as it: async for x in it: yield x
async def _glob2( self, parent: URL, pattern: str, dironly: bool ) -> AsyncGenerator[URL, None]: assert _isrecursive(pattern) yield parent async with aclosing(self._rlistdir(parent, dironly)) as it: async for x in it: yield x async def _glob1( self, parent: URL, pattern: str, dironly: bool ) -> AsyncGenerator[URL, None]: allow_hidden = _ishidden(pattern) match = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern)).fullmatch async with aclosing(self._iterdir(parent, dironly)) as it: async for stat in it: name = stat.path if (allow_hidden or not _ishidden(name)) and match(name): yield parent / name async def _glob0( self, parent: URL, basename: str, dironly: bool ) -> AsyncGenerator[URL, None]: uri = parent / basename try: await self.stat(uri) except ResourceNotFound: return yield uri async def _iterdir( self, uri: URL, dironly: bool ) -> AsyncGenerator[FileStatus, None]: async with self.list(uri) as it: async for stat in it: if not dironly or stat.is_dir(): yield stat async def _rlistdir(self, uri: URL, dironly: bool) -> AsyncGenerator[URL, None]: async with aclosing(self._iterdir(uri, dironly)) as it: async for stat in it: name = stat.path if not _ishidden(name): x = uri / name yield x if stat.is_dir(): async with aclosing(self._rlistdir(x, dironly)) as it2: async for y in it2: yield y
[docs] async def mkdir( self, uri: URL, *, parents: bool = False, exist_ok: bool = False ) -> None: if not exist_ok: try: await self.stat(uri) except ResourceNotFound: pass else: raise FileExistsError(errno.EEXIST, "File exists", str(uri)) if not parents: parent = uri while not and parent != parent.parent: parent = parent.parent parent = parent.parent if parent != parent.parent: try: await self.stat(parent) except ResourceNotFound: raise FileNotFoundError( errno.ENOENT, "No such directory", str(parent) ) url = self._get_storage_url(uri) url = url.with_query(op="MKDIRS") auth = await self._config._api_auth() async with self._core.request("PUT", url, auth=auth) as resp: resp # resp.status == 201
[docs] async def create(self, uri: URL, data: Union[bytes, AsyncIterator[bytes]]) -> None: url = self._get_storage_url(uri) url = url.with_query(op="CREATE") timeout = attr.evolve(self._core.timeout, sock_read=None) auth = await self._config._api_auth() async with self._core.request( "PUT", url, data=data, timeout=timeout, auth=auth ) as resp: resp # resp.status == 201
[docs] async def write(self, uri: URL, data: bytes, offset: int) -> None: if not data: raise ValueError("empty data") url = self._get_storage_url(uri) url = url.with_query(op="WRITE") timeout = attr.evolve(self._core.timeout, sock_read=None) auth = await self._config._api_auth() headers = {"Content-Range": f"bytes {offset}-{offset + len(data) - 1}/*"} async with self._core.request( "PATCH", url, data=data, timeout=timeout, auth=auth, headers=headers ) as resp: resp # resp.status == 200
[docs] async def stat(self, uri: URL) -> FileStatus: uri = self._normalize_uri(uri) assert is not None url = self._get_storage_url(uri, normalized=True) url = url.with_query(op="GETFILESTATUS") auth = await self._config._api_auth() request_time = time.time() # NB: the storage server returns file names in FileStatus for LISTSTATUS # but full path for GETFILESTATUS async with self._core.request("GET", url, auth=auth) as resp: self._set_time_diff(request_time, resp) res = await resp.json() return _file_status_from_api_stat(, res["FileStatus"])
[docs] async def disk_usage( self, cluster_name: Optional[str] = None, org_name: Union[Optional[str], OrgNameSentinel] = ORG_NAME_SENTINEL, uri: Optional[URL] = None, ) -> DiskUsageInfo: cluster_name = cluster_name or self._config.cluster_name org_name_val = ( org_name if not isinstance(org_name, OrgNameSentinel) else self._config.org_name ) if uri: url = self._get_storage_url(uri) else: url = self._get_storage_url( self._create_disk_usage_uri(cluster_name, org_name_val), normalized=True ) url = url.with_query(op="GETDISKUSAGE") auth = await self._config._api_auth() request_time = time.time() async with self._core.request("GET", url, auth=auth) as resp: self._set_time_diff(request_time, resp) res = await resp.json() return _disk_usage_from_api(cluster_name, org_name_val, uri, res)
def _create_disk_usage_uri( self, cluster_name: Optional[str], org_name: Optional[str] ) -> URL: if org_name: uri = self._normalize_uri( URL(f"storage://{cluster_name}/{org_name}/{self._config.username}") ) else: uri = self._normalize_uri( URL(f"storage://{cluster_name}/{self._config.username}") ) assert is not None return uri
[docs] @asyncgeneratorcontextmanager async def open( self, uri: URL, offset: int = 0, size: Optional[int] = None ) -> AsyncIterator[bytes]: url = self._get_storage_url(uri) url = url.with_query(op="OPEN") timeout = attr.evolve(self._core.timeout, sock_read=None) auth = await self._config._api_auth() if offset < 0: raise ValueError("offset should be >= 0") if size is None: if offset: partial = True headers = {"Range": f"bytes={offset}-"} else: partial = False headers = {} elif size > 0: partial = True headers = {"Range": f"bytes={offset}-{offset + size - 1}"} elif not size: return else: raise ValueError("size should be >= 0") async with self._core.request( "GET", url, timeout=timeout, auth=auth, headers=headers ) as resp: if partial: if resp.status != aiohttp.web.HTTPPartialContent.status_code: raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected status code {resp.status}") rng = _parse_content_range(resp.headers.get("Content-Range")) if rng.start != offset: raise RuntimeError("Invalid header Content-Range") async for data in resp.content.iter_any(): yield data
[docs] async def rm( self, uri: URL, *, recursive: bool = False, progress: Optional[AbstractDeleteProgress] = None, ) -> None: # TODO (asvetlov): add a minor protection against deleting everything from root # or user volume root, however force operation here should allow user to delete # everything. # # Now it doesn't make sense because URL for root folder (storage:///) is not # supported # # parts = path.split('/') # if final_path == root_data_path or final_path.parent == root_data_path: # raise ValueError("Invalid path value.") async_progress: _AsyncAbstractDeleteProgress queue, async_progress = queue_calls(progress) await run_progress( queue, self._rm(uri, recursive=recursive, progress=async_progress) )
def check_for_server_error(self, server_message: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: if "error" in server_message: err_text = server_message["error"] os_errno = server_message.get("errno", None) if os_errno is not None: os_errno = errno.__dict__.get(os_errno, os_errno) raise OSError(os_errno, err_text) raise NDJSONError(err_text) async def _rm( self, uri: URL, *, recursive: bool, progress: _AsyncAbstractDeleteProgress ) -> None: uri = self._normalize_uri(uri) assert is not None url = self._get_storage_url(uri, normalized=True) url = url.with_query(op="DELETE", recursive="true" if recursive else "false") auth = await self._config._api_auth() base_uri ="storage", headers = {"Accept": "application/x-ndjson"} async with self._core.request( "DELETE", url, headers=headers, auth=auth ) as resp: if resp.headers.get("Content-Type", "").startswith("application/x-ndjson"): async for line in resp.content: server_message = json.loads(line) self.check_for_server_error(server_message) await progress.delete( StorageProgressDelete( uri=base_uri / server_message["path"].lstrip("/"), is_dir=server_message["is_dir"], ) ) else: pass # Old server versions do not support delete status streaming
[docs] async def mv(self, src: URL, dst: URL) -> None: src = self._normalize_uri(src) dst = self._normalize_uri(dst) assert is not None assert is not None if != raise ValueError("Cannot move cross-cluster") url = self._get_storage_url(src) url = url.with_query(op="RENAME", destination="/" + dst.path.lstrip("/")) auth = await self._config._api_auth() async with self._core.request("POST", url, auth=auth) as resp: resp # resp.status == 204
# high-level helpers
[docs] async def upload_file( self, src: URL, dst: URL, *, update: bool = False, continue_: bool = False, progress: Optional[AbstractFileProgress] = None, ) -> None: src = normalize_local_path_uri(src) dst = self._normalize_uri(dst) path = _extract_path(src) try: if not path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, "No such file", str(path)) if path.is_dir(): raise IsADirectoryError( errno.EISDIR, "Is a directory, use recursive copy", str(path) ) except OSError as e: if getattr(e, "winerror", None) not in (1, 87): raise # Ignore stat errors for device files like NUL or CON on Windows. # See offset: Optional[int] = 0 try: dst_stat = await self.stat(dst) if dst_stat.is_dir(): raise IsADirectoryError(errno.EISDIR, "Is a directory", str(dst)) except ResourceNotFound: # target doesn't exist, lookup for parent dir try: dst_parent_stat = await self.stat(dst.parent) if not dst_parent_stat.is_dir(): # parent path should be a folder raise NotADirectoryError( errno.ENOTDIR, "Not a directory", str(dst.parent) ) except ResourceNotFound: raise NotADirectoryError( errno.ENOTDIR, "Not a directory", str(dst.parent) ) else: if update or continue_: try: src_stat = path.stat() except OSError: pass else: if S_ISREG(src_stat.st_mode): offset = self._check_upload( src_stat, dst_stat, update, continue_ ) if offset is None: return async_progress: _AsyncAbstractFileProgress queue, async_progress = queue_calls(progress) await run_progress( queue, self._upload_file(path, dst, offset, progress=async_progress) )
async def _upload_file( self, src_path: Path, dst: URL, offset: int, *, progress: _AsyncAbstractFileProgress, ) -> None: src = URL(src_path.as_uri()) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() async with self._file_sem: with"rb") as stream: size = os.stat(stream.fileno()).st_size await progress.start(StorageProgressStart(src, dst, size)) if offset: else: chunk = await loop.run_in_executor(None,, READ_SIZE) for retry in retries(f"Fail to upload {dst}"): async with retry: await self.create(dst, chunk) offset = len(chunk) if offset: while True: await progress.step(StorageProgressStep(src, dst, offset, size)) chunk = await loop.run_in_executor(None,, READ_SIZE) if not chunk: break for retry in retries(f"Fail to upload {dst}"): async with retry: await self.write(dst, chunk, offset) offset += len(chunk) await progress.complete(StorageProgressComplete(src, dst, size))
[docs] async def upload_dir( self, src: URL, dst: URL, *, update: bool = False, continue_: bool = False, filter: Optional[AsyncFilterFunc] = None, ignore_file_names: AbstractSet[str] = frozenset(), progress: Optional[AbstractRecursiveFileProgress] = None, ) -> None: src = normalize_local_path_uri(src) dst = self._normalize_uri(dst) path = _extract_path(src).resolve() if not path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, "No such file", str(path)) if not path.is_dir(): raise NotADirectoryError(errno.ENOTDIR, "Not a directory", str(path)) if filter is None: filter = _always if ignore_file_names: filter = load_parent_ignore_files(filter, ignore_file_names, path) async_progress: _AsyncAbstractRecursiveFileProgress queue, async_progress = queue_calls(progress) await run_progress( queue, self._upload_dir( src, path, dst, "", update=update, continue_=continue_, filter=filter, ignore_file_names=ignore_file_names, progress=async_progress, ), )
async def _upload_dir( self, src: URL, src_path: Path, dst: URL, rel_path: str, *, update: bool, continue_: bool, filter: AsyncFilterFunc, ignore_file_names: AbstractSet[str], progress: _AsyncAbstractRecursiveFileProgress, ) -> None: tasks = [] try: exists = False if update or continue_: try: for retry in retries(f"Fail to list {dst}"): async with retry: async with self.list(dst) as it: dst_files = { item async for item in it if item.is_file() } exists = True except ResourceNotFound: update = continue_ = False if not exists: for retry in retries(f"Fail to create {dst}"): async with retry: await self.mkdir(dst, exist_ok=True) except FileExistsError: raise NotADirectoryError(errno.ENOTDIR, "Not a directory", str(dst)) await progress.enter(StorageProgressEnterDir(src, dst)) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() async with self._file_sem: folder = await loop.run_in_executor(None, lambda: list(src_path.iterdir())) if ignore_file_names: for child in folder: if in ignore_file_names and child.is_file(): log.debug(f"Load ignore file {rel_path}{}") file_filter = FileFilter(filter) file_filter.read_from_file(child, prefix=rel_path) filter = file_filter.match for child in folder: name = child_rel_path = f"{rel_path}{name}" if child.is_dir(): child_rel_path += "/" if not await filter(child_rel_path): log.debug(f"Skip {child_rel_path}") continue if child.is_file(): offset: Optional[int] = 0 if (update or continue_) and name in dst_files: offset = self._check_upload( child.stat(), dst_files[name], update, continue_ ) if offset is None: continue tasks.append( self._upload_file( src_path / name, dst / name, offset, progress=progress ) ) elif child.is_dir(): tasks.append( self._upload_dir( src / name, src_path / name, dst / name, child_rel_path, update=update, continue_=continue_, filter=filter, ignore_file_names=ignore_file_names, progress=progress, ) ) else: # This case is for uploading non-regular file, # e.g. blocking device or unix socket # Coverage temporary skipped, the line is waiting for a champion await StorageProgressFail( src / name, dst / name, f"Cannot upload {child}, not regular file/directory", ), ) # pragma: no cover await run_concurrently(tasks) await progress.leave(StorageProgressLeaveDir(src, dst))
[docs] async def download_file( self, src: URL, dst: URL, *, update: bool = False, continue_: bool = False, progress: Optional[AbstractFileProgress] = None, ) -> None: src = self._normalize_uri(src) dst = normalize_local_path_uri(dst) path = _extract_path(dst) src_stat = await self.stat(src) if not src_stat.is_file(): raise IsADirectoryError(errno.EISDIR, "Is a directory", str(src)) offset: Optional[int] = 0 if update or continue_: try: dst_stat = path.stat() except OSError: pass else: if S_ISREG(dst_stat.st_mode): offset = self._check_download(dst_stat, src_stat, update, continue_) if offset is None: return async_progress: _AsyncAbstractFileProgress queue, async_progress = queue_calls(progress) await run_progress( queue, self._download_file( src, dst, path, src_stat.size, offset, progress=async_progress ), )
async def _download_file( self, src: URL, dst: URL, dst_path: Path, size: int, offset: int, *, progress: _AsyncAbstractFileProgress, ) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() async with self._file_sem: await progress.start(StorageProgressStart(src, dst, size)) with"rb+" if offset else "wb") as stream: if offset: for retry in retries(f"Fail to download {src}"): pos = stream.tell() if pos >= size: break async with retry: async with, offset=pos) as it: async for chunk in it: pos += len(chunk) await progress.step( StorageProgressStep(src, dst, pos, size) ) await loop.run_in_executor(None, stream.write, chunk) if chunk: retry.reset() await progress.complete(StorageProgressComplete(src, dst, size))
[docs] async def download_dir( self, src: URL, dst: URL, *, update: bool = False, continue_: bool = False, filter: Optional[AsyncFilterFunc] = None, progress: Optional[AbstractRecursiveFileProgress] = None, ) -> None: if filter is None: filter = _always src = self._normalize_uri(src) dst = normalize_local_path_uri(dst) path = _extract_path(dst) async_progress: _AsyncAbstractRecursiveFileProgress queue, async_progress = queue_calls(progress) await run_progress( queue, self._download_dir( src, dst, path, "", update=update, continue_=continue_, filter=filter, progress=async_progress, ), )
async def _download_dir( self, src: URL, dst: URL, dst_path: Path, rel_path: str, *, update: bool, continue_: bool, filter: AsyncFilterFunc, progress: _AsyncAbstractRecursiveFileProgress, ) -> None: dst_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) await progress.enter(StorageProgressEnterDir(src, dst)) tasks = [] if update or continue_: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() async with self._file_sem: dst_files = await loop.run_in_executor( None, lambda: { item for item in dst_path.iterdir() if item.is_file() }, ) for retry in retries(f"Fail to list {src}"): async with retry: async with self.list(src) as it: folder = [item async for item in it] for child in folder: name = child_rel_path = f"{rel_path}{name}" if child.is_dir(): child_rel_path += "/" if not await filter(child_rel_path): log.debug(f"Skip {child_rel_path}") continue if child.is_file(): offset: Optional[int] = 0 if (update or continue_) and name in dst_files: offset = self._check_download( dst_files[name].stat(), child, update, continue_ ) if offset is None: continue tasks.append( self._download_file( src / name, dst / name, dst_path / name, child.size, offset, progress=progress, ) ) elif child.is_dir(): tasks.append( self._download_dir( src / name, dst / name, dst_path / name, child_rel_path, update=update, continue_=continue_, filter=filter, progress=progress, ) ) else: await StorageProgressFail( src / name, dst / name, f"Cannot download {child}, not regular file/directory", ), ) # pragma: no cover await run_concurrently(tasks) await progress.leave(StorageProgressLeaveDir(src, dst)) _magic_check = re.compile("(?:[*?[])") def _has_magic(s: str) -> bool: return is not None def _ishidden(name: str) -> bool: return name.startswith(".") def _isrecursive(pattern: str) -> bool: return pattern == "**" def _file_status_from_api_ls(base_uri: URL, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> FileStatus: path = values["path"] try: type = FileStatusType(values["type"]) except ValueError: type = FileStatusType.UNKNOWN return FileStatus( path=path, type=type, size=int(values["length"]), modification_time=int(values["modificationTime"]), permission=Action(values["permission"]), uri=base_uri / path, target=values.get("target"), ) def _file_status_from_api_stat(cluster_name: str, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> FileStatus: base_uri ="storage", authority=cluster_name) path = values["path"] try: type = FileStatusType(values["type"]) except ValueError: type = FileStatusType.UNKNOWN return FileStatus( path=path, type=type, size=int(values["length"]), modification_time=int(values["modificationTime"]), permission=Action(values["permission"]), uri=base_uri / path.lstrip("/"), target=values.get("target"), ) def _disk_usage_from_api( cluster_name: str, org_name: Optional[str], uri: Optional[URL], values: Dict[str, Any], ) -> DiskUsageInfo: return DiskUsageInfo( cluster_name=cluster_name, org_name=org_name, uri=uri, total=values["total"], used=values["used"], free=values["free"], ) def _parse_content_range(rng_str: Optional[str]) -> slice: if rng_str is None: raise RuntimeError("Missed header Content-Range") m = re.fullmatch(r"bytes (\d+)-(\d+)/(\d+|\*)", rng_str) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Invalid header Content-Range") start = int(m[1]) end = int(m[2]) if end < start: raise RuntimeError("Invalid header Content-Range" + rng_str) return slice(start, end + 1) ProgressQueueItem = Optional[Tuple[Callable[[Any], None], Any]] async def run_progress( queue: "asyncio.Queue[QueuedCall]", coro: Awaitable[None] ) -> None: async def wrapped() -> None: try: await coro finally: # Add special marker to queue to allow loop below to exit await queue.put(cast(QueuedCall, None)) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() task = loop.create_task(wrapped()) while True: item = await queue.get() if item is None: break item() await task async def run_concurrently(coros: Iterable[Awaitable[Any]]) -> None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() tasks: "Iterable[asyncio.Future[Any]]" = [loop.create_task(coro) for coro in coros] # type: ignore # noqa if not tasks: return try: done, tasks = await asyncio.wait(tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_EXCEPTION) for task in done: await task except: # noqa for task in tasks: task.cancel() # wait for actual cancellation, ignore all exceptions raised from tasks if tasks: await asyncio.wait(tasks) raise # pragma: no cover async def _always(path: str) -> bool: return True def load_parent_ignore_files( filter: AsyncFilterFunc, ignore_file_names: AbstractSet[str], path: Path, rel_path: str = "", ) -> AsyncFilterFunc: if path == path.parent: return filter rel_path = f"{}/{rel_path}" path = path.parent filter = load_parent_ignore_files(filter, ignore_file_names, path, rel_path) for name in ignore_file_names: config_path = path / name if config_path.exists(): log.debug(f"Load ignore file {str(config_path)!r}") file_filter = FileFilter(filter) file_filter.read_from_file(config_path, "", rel_path) filter = file_filter.match return filter