Source code for neuro_sdk._parsing_utils

import enum
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple

from yarl import URL

from ._rewrite import rewrite_module
from ._url_utils import _check_uri, _check_uri_str

class TagOption(enum.Enum):
    ALLOW =
    DENY =

class RemoteImage:
    name: str
    tag: Optional[str] = None
    owner: Optional[str] = None
    registry: Optional[str] = None
    cluster_name: Optional[str] = None
    org_name: Optional[str] = None

    def _is_in_neuro_registry(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self.registry and self.owner and self.cluster_name)

[docs] @classmethod def new_neuro_image( cls, name: str, registry: str, *, owner: str, cluster_name: str, org_name: Optional[str], tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "RemoteImage": return RemoteImage( name=name, tag=tag, owner=owner, registry=registry, cluster_name=cluster_name, org_name=org_name, )
[docs] @classmethod def new_external_image( cls, name: str, registry: Optional[str] = None, *, tag: Optional[str] = None ) -> "RemoteImage": return RemoteImage(name=name, tag=tag, registry=registry)
def __post_init__(self) -> None: if self.registry: if self.owner: if not self.cluster_name: raise ValueError("required cluster name") else: if self.cluster_name: raise ValueError("required owner") else: if self.owner or self.cluster_name: raise ValueError("required registry")
[docs] def as_docker_url(self, with_scheme: bool = False) -> str: if self._is_in_neuro_registry: if self.org_name: prefix = f"{self.registry}/{self.org_name}/{self.owner}/" else: prefix = f"{self.registry}/{self.owner}/" prefix = "https://" + prefix if with_scheme else prefix else: prefix = "" suffix = f":{self.tag}" if self.tag else "" return f"{prefix}{}{suffix}"
def __str__(self) -> str: result = if self.tag: result = f"{result}:{self.tag}" if self._is_in_neuro_registry: assert self.cluster_name is not None base = "" if self.org_name: base = f"/{self.org_name}" result = str( scheme="image", host=self.cluster_name, path=f"{base}/{self.owner}/{result}", ) ) return result def __rich__(self) -> str: return str(self) @rewrite_module @dataclass(frozen=True) class LocalImage: name: str tag: Optional[str] = None def __str__(self) -> str: post = f":{self.tag}" if self.tag else "" return + post def __rich__(self) -> str: return str(self) class _ImageNameParser: def __init__( self, default_user: str, default_cluster: str, default_org: Optional[str], registry_urls: Dict[str, URL], ): self._default_user = default_user self._default_cluster = default_cluster self._default_org_name = default_org self._registries = {} for cluster_name, registry_url in registry_urls.items(): if not raise ValueError( f"Empty hostname in registry URL '{registry_url}': " f"please consider updating configuration" ) self._registries[cluster_name] = _get_url_authority(registry_url) def parse_as_local_image(self, image: str) -> LocalImage: try: self._validate_image_name(image) return self._parse_as_local_image(image) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(f"Invalid local image '{image}': {e}") from e def parse_as_neuro_image( self, image: str, *, tag_option: TagOption = TagOption.DEFAULT ) -> RemoteImage: try: self._validate_image_name(image) tag: Optional[str] if tag_option == TagOption.DEFAULT: tag = "latest" else: if tag_option == TagOption.DENY and self.has_tag(image): raise ValueError("tag is not allowed") tag = None return self._parse_as_neuro_image(image, default_tag=tag) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(f"Invalid remote image '{image}': {e}") from e def parse_remote( self, value: str, *, tag_option: TagOption = TagOption.DEFAULT ) -> RemoteImage: if value.startswith("image:") or self._find_by_registry(value): return self.parse_as_neuro_image(value, tag_option=tag_option) img = self.parse_as_local_image(value) name = registry = None if ":" in name: msg = "here name must contain slash(es). checked by _split_image_name()" assert "/" in name, msg registry, name = name.split("/", 1) return RemoteImage.new_external_image(name=name, tag=img.tag, registry=registry) def convert_to_neuro_image(self, image: LocalImage) -> RemoteImage: cluster_name = self._default_cluster org_name = self._default_org_name owner = self._default_user name = res = self._find_by_registry(name) if res: cluster_name, path = res if path: owner, _, name = path.partition("/") if not name: owner = self._default_user name = path return RemoteImage.new_neuro_image( name=name, tag=image.tag, owner=owner, cluster_name=cluster_name, org_name=org_name, registry=self._registries[cluster_name], ) def convert_to_local_image(self, image: RemoteImage) -> LocalImage: return LocalImage(, tag=image.tag) def has_tag(self, image: str) -> bool: prefix = "image:" if image.startswith(prefix): url = URL(image) image = url.path if image.startswith("/"): image = image[1:] _, tag = self._split_image_name(image) return bool(tag) def _validate_image_name(self, image: str) -> None: if not image: raise ValueError("empty image name") if image.startswith("-"): raise ValueError(f"image cannot start with dash") if image == "image:latest": raise ValueError( "ambiguous value: valid as both local and remote image name" ) def _parse_as_local_image(self, image: str) -> LocalImage: if image.startswith("image:"): raise ValueError("scheme 'image://' is not allowed for local images") name, tag = self._split_image_name(image, "latest") return LocalImage(name=name, tag=tag) def _parse_as_neuro_image( self, image: str, default_tag: Optional[str] ) -> RemoteImage: if image.startswith("image:"): # Check string representation to detect also trailing "?" and "#". _check_uri_str(image, "image") url = URL(image) if not url.scheme and url.path.startswith("image:"): prefix = "" if self._default_org_name: prefix = f"/{self._default_org_name}" url = scheme="image", host=self._default_cluster, path=f"{prefix}/{self._default_user}/{url.path[len('image:') :]}", ) else: res = self._find_by_registry(image) if not res: raise ValueError("scheme 'image:' is required for remote images") cluster_name, path = res url = URL(f"image://{cluster_name}/{path}") if not url.path or url.path == "/": raise ValueError("no image name specified") _check_uri(url) name, tag = self._split_image_name(url.path.lstrip("/"), default_tag) if is None: # This is short url, either image:name or image:/username/name cluster_name = self._default_cluster org_name = self._default_org_name else: cluster_name = org_name = None if url.path.startswith("/"): owner, _, name = name.partition("/") if owner == self._default_org_name and # Long form with explicit org name (image://cluster/org/user/image) org_name = owner owner, _, name = name.partition("/") if not name: raise ValueError("no image name specified") else: owner = self._default_user if cluster_name not in self._registries: tip = "Please logout and login again." raise RuntimeError( f"Cluster {cluster_name} doesn't exist in " f"a list of available clusters " f"{list(self._registries)}. {tip}" ) return RemoteImage.new_neuro_image( name=name, tag=tag, registry=self._registries[cluster_name], owner=owner, cluster_name=cluster_name, org_name=org_name, ) def _find_by_registry(self, image: str) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]: for cluster_name, registry in self._registries.items(): if image.startswith(f"{registry}/"): path = image[len(registry) :].lstrip("/") return cluster_name, path return None def _split_image_name( self, image: str, default_tag: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]]: if image.endswith(":") or image.startswith(":"): # case `ubuntu:`, `:latest` raise ValueError("empty name or empty tag") colon_count = image.count(":") if colon_count == 0: # case `ubuntu` name, tag = image, default_tag elif colon_count == 1: # case `ubuntu:latest` name, tag = image.split(":") if "/" in tag: # case `localhost:5000/ubuntu` name, tag = image, default_tag elif colon_count == 2: # case `localhost:9000/owner/ubuntu:latest` if "/" not in image: # case `localhost:9000:latest` raise ValueError("too many tags") name, tag = image.rsplit(":", 1) else: raise ValueError("too many tags") if "/" in name: _, name_no_repo = name.split("/", 1) else: name_no_repo = name if not name_no_repo: raise ValueError("no image name specified") if not re.fullmatch( r"(?:[a-z0-9]+(?:[._-][a-z0-9]+)*/)*[a-z0-9]+(?:[._-][a-z0-9]+)*", name_no_repo, ): raise ValueError( "invalid image name. Docker specifies it to be the following:\n" "Name components may contain lowercase letters, digits and " "separators. A separator is defined as a period, one or two " "underscores, or one or more dashes. A name component may not " "start or end with a separator." ) if tag: if len(tag) > 128: raise ValueError("tag is to long") if not re.fullmatch(r"[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*", tag): raise ValueError( "invalid tag. Docker specifies it to be the following:\n" "A tag name must be valid ASCII and may contain lowercase " "and uppercase letters, digits, underscores, periods and " "dashes. A tag name may not start with a period or a dash " "and may contain a maximum of 128 characters." ) return name, tag @rewrite_module @dataclass(frozen=True) class Tag: name: str size: Optional[int] = None def _get_url_authority(url: URL) -> str: assert is not None port = url.explicit_port # type: ignore suffix = f":{port}" if port is not None else "" return + suffix