Source code for neuro_sdk._jobs

import asyncio
import enum
import json
import logging
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager, suppress
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from decimal import Decimal
from functools import partial
from typing import (

import aiohttp
import aiohttp.hdrs
import attr
from aiodocker.exceptions import DockerError
from aiohttp import WSMsgType, WSServerHandshakeError
from dateutil.parser import isoparse
from multidict import MultiDict
from yarl import URL

from ._abc import (
from ._config import Config
from ._core import _Core
from ._errors import NDJSONError, StdStreamError
from ._images import (
from ._parser import DiskVolume, Parser, SecretFile, Volume
from ._parsing_utils import LocalImage, RemoteImage
from ._rewrite import rewrite_module
from ._url_utils import (
from ._utils import (

log = logging.getLogger(__package__)


class Resources:
    memory: int
    cpu: float
    gpu: Optional[int] = None
    gpu_model: Optional[str] = None
    shm: bool = True
    tpu_type: Optional[str] = None
    tpu_software_version: Optional[str] = None

    def memory_mb(self) -> int:
        return self.memory // 2**20

class JobStatus(str, enum.Enum):
    """An Enum subclass that represents job statuses.

    PENDING: a job is being created and scheduled. This includes finding (and
    possibly waiting for) sufficient amount of resources, pulling an image
    from a registry etc.
    SUSPENDED: a preemptible job is paused to allow other jobs to run.
    RUNNING: a job is being run.
    SUCCEEDED: a job terminated with the 0 exit code.
    CANCELLED: a running job was manually terminated/deleted.
    FAILED: a job terminated with a non-0 exit code.

    PENDING = "pending"
    SUSPENDED = "suspended"
    RUNNING = "running"
    SUCCEEDED = "succeeded"
    FAILED = "failed"
    CANCELLED = "cancelled"
    UNKNOWN = "unknown"  # invalid status code, a default value is status is not sent

    def is_pending(self) -> bool:
        cls = type(self)
        return self in (cls.PENDING, cls.SUSPENDED)

    def is_running(self) -> bool:
        return self == type(self).RUNNING

    def is_finished(self) -> bool:
        cls = type(self)
        return self in (cls.SUCCEEDED, cls.FAILED, cls.CANCELLED)

[docs] @classmethod def items(cls) -> Set["JobStatus"]: return {item for item in cls if item != cls.UNKNOWN}
[docs] @classmethod def active_items(cls) -> Set["JobStatus"]: return {item for item in cls.items() if not item.is_finished}
[docs] @classmethod def finished_items(cls) -> Set["JobStatus"]: return {item for item in cls.items() if item.is_finished}
__format__ = str.__format__ # type: ignore[assignment] __str__ = str.__str__ @rewrite_module @dataclass(frozen=True) class HTTPPort: port: int requires_auth: bool = True @rewrite_module @dataclass(frozen=True) class Container: image: RemoteImage resources: Resources entrypoint: Optional[str] = None command: Optional[str] = None working_dir: Optional[str] = None http: Optional[HTTPPort] = None env: Mapping[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) volumes: Sequence[Volume] = field(default_factory=list) secret_env: Mapping[str, URL] = field(default_factory=dict) secret_files: Sequence[SecretFile] = field(default_factory=list) disk_volumes: Sequence[DiskVolume] = field(default_factory=list) tty: bool = False @rewrite_module @dataclass(frozen=True) class JobStatusItem: status: JobStatus transition_time: datetime reason: str = "" description: str = "" exit_code: Optional[int] = None @rewrite_module @dataclass(frozen=True) class JobStatusHistory: status: JobStatus reason: str description: str restarts: int = 0 created_at: Optional[datetime] = None started_at: Optional[datetime] = None finished_at: Optional[datetime] = None run_time_seconds: Optional[int] = None exit_code: Optional[int] = None transitions: Sequence[JobStatusItem] = field(default_factory=list) @property def changed_at(self) -> datetime: if self.status == JobStatus.PENDING: when = self.created_at elif self.status == JobStatus.RUNNING: when = self.started_at elif self.status == JobStatus.RUNNING or self.status == JobStatus.SUSPENDED: when = self.started_at elif self.status.is_finished: when = self.finished_at else: when = self.transitions[-1].transition_time assert when is not None return when @rewrite_module class JobRestartPolicy(str, enum.Enum): NEVER = "never" ON_FAILURE = "on-failure" ALWAYS = "always" def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value def __repr__(self) -> str: return repr(self.value) @rewrite_module class JobPriority(enum.IntEnum): LOW = NORMAL = HIGH = @rewrite_module @dataclass(frozen=True) class JobDescriptionInternal: materialized: bool = False being_dropped: bool = False logs_removed: bool = False @rewrite_module @dataclass(frozen=True) class JobDescription: id: str owner: str cluster_name: str status: JobStatus history: JobStatusHistory container: Container scheduler_enabled: bool pass_config: bool uri: URL total_price_credits: Decimal price_credits_per_hour: Decimal name: Optional[str] = None tags: Sequence[str] = () description: Optional[str] = None http_url: URL = URL() internal_hostname: Optional[str] = None internal_hostname_named: Optional[str] = None restart_policy: JobRestartPolicy = JobRestartPolicy.NEVER life_span: Optional[float] = None schedule_timeout: Optional[float] = None preset_name: Optional[str] = None org_name: Optional[str] = None preemptible_node: bool = False privileged: bool = False priority: JobPriority = JobPriority.NORMAL _internal: JobDescriptionInternal = JobDescriptionInternal() @rewrite_module @dataclass(frozen=True) class JobTelemetry: cpu: float memory_bytes: int timestamp: float gpu_duty_cycle: Optional[int] = None gpu_memory_bytes: Optional[int] = None @property def memory(self) -> float: return self.memory_bytes / 2**20 @property def gpu_memory(self) -> Optional[float]: if self.gpu_memory_bytes is None: return None return self.gpu_memory_bytes / 2**20 @rewrite_module @dataclass(frozen=True) class Message: fileno: int data: bytes @rewrite_module class StdStream: def __init__(self, ws: aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse) -> None: self._ws = ws self._closing = False
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: self._closing = True await self._ws.close()
[docs] async def read_out(self) -> Optional[Message]: if self._closing: return None msg = await self._ws.receive() if msg.type in (WSMsgType.CLOSE, WSMsgType.CLOSING, WSMsgType.CLOSED): self._closing = True return None if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR: raise self._ws.exception() # type: ignore if msg.type != aiohttp.WSMsgType.BINARY: raise RuntimeError(f"Incorrecr WebSocket message: {msg!r}") if[0] == 3: try: details = json.loads([1:]) exit_code = details["exit_code"] except Exception: exit_code = 1 self._closing = True raise StdStreamError(exit_code) return Message([0],[1:])
[docs] async def write_in(self, data: bytes) -> None: if self._closing: return await self._ws.send_bytes(b"\x00" + data)
async def resize(self, h: int, w: int) -> None: if self._closing: return await self._ws.send_bytes(b"\x04" + f'{{"height":{h},"width":{w}}}'.encode()) @rewrite_module class Jobs(metaclass=NoPublicConstructor): def __init__(self, core: _Core, config: Config, parse: Parser) -> None: self._core = core self._config = config self._parse = parse def _get_monitoring_url(self, cluster_name: Optional[str]) -> URL: if cluster_name is None: cluster_name = self._config.cluster_name return self._config.get_cluster(cluster_name).monitoring_url
[docs] async def run( self, container: Container, *, name: Optional[str] = None, tags: Sequence[str] = (), description: Optional[str] = None, scheduler_enabled: bool = False, pass_config: bool = False, wait_for_jobs_quota: bool = False, schedule_timeout: Optional[float] = None, restart_policy: JobRestartPolicy = JobRestartPolicy.NEVER, life_span: Optional[float] = None, org_name: Union[Optional[str], OrgNameSentinel] = ORG_NAME_SENTINEL, priority: Optional[JobPriority] = None, ) -> JobDescription: url = self._config.api_url / "jobs" payload = _job_to_api( cluster_name=self._config.cluster_name, name=name, tags=tags, description=description, pass_config=pass_config, wait_for_jobs_quota=wait_for_jobs_quota, schedule_timeout=schedule_timeout, restart_policy=restart_policy, life_span=life_span, org_name=org_name if not isinstance(org_name, OrgNameSentinel) else self._config.org_name, priority=priority, ) payload["container"] = _container_to_api( config=self._config, image=container.image, entrypoint=container.entrypoint, command=container.command, working_dir=container.working_dir, http=container.http, env=container.env, volumes=container.volumes, secret_env=container.secret_env, secret_files=container.secret_files, disk_volumes=container.disk_volumes, tty=container.tty, ) payload["container"]["resources"] = _resources_to_api(container.resources) payload["scheduler_enabled"] = scheduler_enabled auth = await self._config._api_auth() async with self._core.request("POST", url, json=payload, auth=auth) as resp: res = await resp.json() return _job_description_from_api(res, self._parse)
[docs] async def start( self, *, image: RemoteImage, preset_name: str, cluster_name: Optional[str] = None, org_name: Union[Optional[str], OrgNameSentinel] = ORG_NAME_SENTINEL, entrypoint: Optional[str] = None, command: Optional[str] = None, working_dir: Optional[str] = None, http: Optional[HTTPPort] = None, env: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, volumes: Sequence[Volume] = (), secret_env: Optional[Mapping[str, URL]] = None, secret_files: Sequence[SecretFile] = (), disk_volumes: Sequence[DiskVolume] = (), tty: bool = False, shm: bool = False, name: Optional[str] = None, tags: Sequence[str] = (), description: Optional[str] = None, pass_config: bool = False, wait_for_jobs_quota: bool = False, schedule_timeout: Optional[float] = None, restart_policy: JobRestartPolicy = JobRestartPolicy.NEVER, life_span: Optional[float] = None, privileged: bool = False, priority: Optional[JobPriority] = None, ) -> JobDescription: url = (self._config.api_url / "jobs").with_query("from_preset") container_payload = _container_to_api( config=self._config, image=image, entrypoint=entrypoint, command=command, working_dir=working_dir, http=http, env=env, volumes=volumes, secret_env=secret_env, secret_files=secret_files, disk_volumes=disk_volumes, tty=tty, shm=shm, ) payload = _job_to_api( cluster_name=cluster_name or self._config.cluster_name, name=name, preset_name=preset_name, tags=tags, description=description, pass_config=pass_config, wait_for_jobs_quota=wait_for_jobs_quota, schedule_timeout=schedule_timeout, restart_policy=restart_policy, life_span=life_span, privileged=privileged, org_name=org_name if not isinstance(org_name, OrgNameSentinel) else self._config.org_name, priority=priority, ) payload.update(**container_payload) auth = await self._config._api_auth() async with self._core.request("POST", url, json=payload, auth=auth) as resp: res = await resp.json() return _job_description_from_api(res, self._parse)
[docs] @asyncgeneratorcontextmanager async def list( self, *, statuses: Iterable[JobStatus] = (), name: str = "", tags: Iterable[str] = (), owners: Iterable[str] = (), since: Optional[datetime] = None, until: Optional[datetime] = None, reverse: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = None, cluster_name: Optional[str] = None, _materialized: Optional[bool] = None, _being_dropped: Optional[bool] = False, _logs_removed: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> AsyncIterator[JobDescription]: url = self._config.api_url / "jobs" headers = {"Accept": "application/x-ndjson"} params: MultiDict[str] = MultiDict() for status in statuses: params.add("status", status.value) if name: params.add("name", name) for owner in owners: params.add("owner", owner) for tag in tags: params.add("tag", tag) if since: if since.tzinfo is None: # Interpret naive datetime object as local time. since = since.astimezone(timezone.utc) params.add("since", since.isoformat()) if until: if until.tzinfo is None: until = until.astimezone(timezone.utc) params.add("until", until.isoformat()) if cluster_name is None: cluster_name = self._config.cluster_name params["cluster_name"] = cluster_name if reverse: params.add("reverse", "1") if limit is not None: params.add("limit", str(limit)) if _materialized is not None: params.add("materialized", str(_materialized)) if _being_dropped is not None: params.add("being_dropped", str(_being_dropped)) if _logs_removed is not None: params.add("logs_removed", str(_logs_removed)) auth = await self._config._api_auth() async with self._core.request( "GET", url, headers=headers, params=params, auth=auth ) as resp: if resp.headers.get("Content-Type", "").startswith("application/x-ndjson"): async for line in resp.content: server_message = json.loads(line) if "error" in server_message: raise NDJSONError(server_message["error"]) yield _job_description_from_api(server_message, self._parse) else: ret = await resp.json() for j in ret["jobs"]: yield _job_description_from_api(j, self._parse)
[docs] async def kill(self, id: str) -> None: url = self._config.api_url / "jobs" / id auth = await self._config._api_auth() async with self._core.request("DELETE", url, auth=auth): # an error is raised for status >= 400 return None # 201 status code
[docs] async def bump_life_span(self, id: str, additional_life_span: float) -> None: url = self._config.api_url / "jobs" / id / "max_run_time_minutes" payload = { "additional_max_run_time_minutes": int(additional_life_span // 60), } auth = await self._config._api_auth() async with self._core.request("PUT", url, json=payload, auth=auth): # an error is raised for status >= 400 return None # 201 status code
@asyncgeneratorcontextmanager async def monitor( self, id: str, *, cluster_name: Optional[str] = None, since: Optional[datetime] = None, timestamps: bool = False, separator: Optional[str] = None, debug: bool = False, ) -> AsyncIterator[bytes]: url = self._get_monitoring_url(cluster_name) / id / "log_ws" if since is not None: if since.tzinfo is None: # Interpret naive datetime object as local time. since = since.astimezone(timezone.utc) url = url.update_query(since=since.isoformat()) if timestamps: url = url.update_query(timestamps="true") if separator is not None: url = url.update_query(separator=separator) if debug: url = url.update_query(debug="true") auth = await self._config._api_auth() async with self._core.ws_connect( url, auth=auth, timeout=None, heartbeat=30, ) as ws: async for msg in ws: if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.BINARY: if yield elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR: raise ws.exception() # type: ignore else: raise RuntimeError(f"Incorrecr WebSocket message: {msg!r}")
[docs] async def status(self, id: str) -> JobDescription: url = self._config.api_url / "jobs" / id auth = await self._config._api_auth() async with self._core.request("GET", url, auth=auth) as resp: ret = await resp.json() return _job_description_from_api(ret, self._parse)
[docs] @asyncgeneratorcontextmanager async def top( self, id: str, *, cluster_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> AsyncIterator[JobTelemetry]: url = self._get_monitoring_url(cluster_name) / id / "top" auth = await self._config._api_auth() try: received_any = False async with self._core.ws_connect(url, auth=auth) as ws: async for msg in ws: if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT: yield _job_telemetry_from_api(msg.json()) received_any = True elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR: raise ws.exception() # type: ignore else: raise RuntimeError(f"Incorrecr WebSocket message: {msg!r}") if not received_any: raise ValueError(f"Job is not running. Job Id = {id}") except WSServerHandshakeError as e: if e.status == 400: raise ValueError(f"Job not found. Job Id = {id}") raise
async def save( self, id: str, image: RemoteImage, *, progress: Optional[AbstractDockerImageProgress] = None, cluster_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: if not image._is_in_neuro_registry: raise ValueError(f"Image `{image}` must be in the neuro registry") if progress is None: progress = _DummyProgress() payload = {"container": {"image": image.as_docker_url()}} url = self._get_monitoring_url(cluster_name) / id / "save" auth = await self._config._api_auth() timeout = attr.evolve(self._core.timeout, sock_read=None) # `self._code.request` implicitly sets `total=3 * 60` # unless `sock_read is None` async with self._core.request( "POST", url, json=payload, timeout=timeout, auth=auth ) as resp: # first, we expect exactly two docker-commit messages, image)) chunk_1 = await resp.content.readline() data_1 = _parse_commit_started_chunk(id, _load_chunk(chunk_1), self._parse) progress.commit_started(data_1) chunk_2 = await resp.content.readline() data_2 = _parse_commit_finished_chunk(id, _load_chunk(chunk_2)) progress.commit_finished(data_2) # then, we expect stream for docker-push src = LocalImage(f"{image.owner}/{}", image.tag) progress.push(ImageProgressPush(src, dst=image)) async for chunk in resp.content: obj = _load_chunk(chunk) push_step = _try_parse_image_progress_step(obj, image.tag) if push_step: progress.step(push_step)
[docs] @asynccontextmanager async def port_forward( self, id: str, local_port: int, job_port: int, *, no_key_check: bool = False, cluster_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> AsyncIterator[None]: srv = await asyncio.start_server( partial( self._port_forward, id=id, job_port=job_port, cluster_name=cluster_name ), "localhost", local_port, ) try: yield finally: srv.close() await srv.wait_closed()
async def _port_forward( self, reader: asyncio.StreamReader, writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, id: str, job_port: int, *, cluster_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() url = self._get_monitoring_url(cluster_name) url = url / id / "port_forward" / str(job_port) async with self._core.ws_connect( url, auth=await self._config._api_auth(), timeout=None, receive_timeout=None, heartbeat=30, ) as ws: tasks = [] tasks.append(loop.create_task(self._port_reader(ws, writer))) tasks.append(loop.create_task(self._port_writer(ws, reader))) try: await asyncio.wait(tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) finally: for task in tasks: if not task.done(): task.cancel() with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError): await task writer.close() await writer.wait_closed() except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except Exception: log.exception("Unhandled exception during port-forwarding") writer.close() async def _port_reader( self, ws: aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse, writer: asyncio.StreamWriter ) -> None: async for msg in ws: if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.BINARY: writer.write( await writer.drain() elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR: raise ws.exception() # type: ignore else: raise RuntimeError(f"Incorrecr WebSocket message: {msg!r}") writer.close() await writer.wait_closed() async def _port_writer( self, ws: aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse, reader: asyncio.StreamReader ) -> None: while True: data = await * 1024 * 1024) if not data: # EOF break await ws.send_bytes(data)
[docs] @asynccontextmanager async def attach( self, id: str, *, tty: bool = False, stdin: bool = False, stdout: bool = False, stderr: bool = False, cluster_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> AsyncIterator[StdStream]: url = self._get_monitoring_url(cluster_name) / id / "attach" url = url.with_query( tty=str(int(tty)), stdin=str(int(stdin)), stdout=str(int(stdout)), stderr=str(int(stderr)), ) auth = await self._config._api_auth() async with self._core.ws_connect( url, auth=auth, headers={ aiohttp.hdrs.SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL: "", }, timeout=None, receive_timeout=None, heartbeat=30, ) as ws: yield StdStream(ws)
[docs] @asynccontextmanager async def exec( self, id: str, cmd: str, *, tty: bool = False, stdin: bool = False, stdout: bool = False, stderr: bool = False, cluster_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> AsyncIterator[StdStream]: url = self._get_monitoring_url(cluster_name) / id / "exec" url = url.with_query( cmd=cmd, tty=str(int(tty)), stdin=str(int(stdin)), stdout=str(int(stdout)), stderr=str(int(stderr)), ) auth = await self._config._api_auth() async with self._core.ws_connect( url, auth=auth, timeout=None, receive_timeout=None, heartbeat=30, ) as ws: try: yield StdStream(ws) finally: await ws.close()
[docs] async def send_signal(self, id: str, *, cluster_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None: url = self._get_monitoring_url(cluster_name) / id / "kill" auth = await self._config._api_auth() async with self._core.request("POST", url, auth=auth) as resp: resp
[docs] async def get_capacity( self, *, cluster_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Mapping[str, int]: url = self._get_monitoring_url(cluster_name) / "capacity" auth = await self._config._api_auth() async with self._core.request("GET", url, auth=auth) as resp: return await resp.json()
# ############## Internal helpers ################### def _load_chunk(chunk: bytes) -> Dict[str, Any]: return json.loads(chunk.decode()) def _parse_commit_started_chunk( job_id: str, obj: Dict[str, Any], parse: Parser ) -> ImageCommitStarted: _raise_for_invalid_commit_chunk(obj, expect_started=True) details_json = obj.get("details", {}) image = details_json.get("image") if not image: error_details = {"message": "Missing required details: 'image'"} raise DockerError(400, error_details) return ImageCommitStarted(job_id, parse.remote_image(image)) def _parse_commit_finished_chunk( job_id: str, obj: Dict[str, Any] ) -> ImageCommitFinished: _raise_for_invalid_commit_chunk(obj, expect_started=False) return ImageCommitFinished(job_id) def _raise_for_invalid_commit_chunk(obj: Dict[str, Any], expect_started: bool) -> None: _raise_on_error_chunk(obj) if "status" not in obj.keys(): error_details = {"message": 'Missing required field: "status"'} raise DockerError(400, error_details) status = obj["status"] expected = "CommitStarted" if expect_started else "CommitFinished" if status != expected: error_details = { "message": f"Invalid commit status: '{status}', expecting: '{expected}'" } raise DockerError(400, error_details) def _resources_to_api(resources: Resources) -> Dict[str, Any]: value: Dict[str, Any] = { "memory": resources.memory, "cpu": resources.cpu, "shm": resources.shm, } if resources.gpu: value["gpu"] = resources.gpu value["gpu_model"] = resources.gpu_model if resources.tpu_type: assert resources.tpu_software_version value["tpu"] = { "type": resources.tpu_type, "software_version": resources.tpu_software_version, } return value def _resources_from_api(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Resources: tpu_type = tpu_software_version = None if "tpu" in data: tpu = data["tpu"] tpu_type = tpu["type"] tpu_software_version = tpu["software_version"] return Resources( memory=data["memory"], cpu=data["cpu"], shm=data.get("shm", True), gpu=data.get("gpu", None), gpu_model=data.get("gpu_model", None), tpu_type=tpu_type, tpu_software_version=tpu_software_version, ) def _http_port_to_api(port: HTTPPort) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {"port": port.port, "requires_auth": port.requires_auth} def _http_port_from_api(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> HTTPPort: return HTTPPort( port=data.get("port", -1), requires_auth=data.get("requires_auth", False) ) def _container_from_api( data: Dict[str, Any], cluster_name: str, parse: Parser, ) -> Container: try: image = parse.remote_image(data["image"], cluster_name=cluster_name) except ValueError: image = RemoteImage.new_external_image(name=INVALID_IMAGE_NAME) return Container( image=image, resources=_resources_from_api(data["resources"]), entrypoint=data.get("entrypoint", None), command=data.get("command", None), working_dir=data.get("working_dir"), http=_http_port_from_api(data["http"]) if "http" in data else None, env=data.get("env", dict()), volumes=[_volume_from_api(v) for v in data.get("volumes", [])], secret_env={name: URL(val) for name, val in data.get("secret_env", {}).items()}, secret_files=[_secret_file_from_api(v) for v in data.get("secret_volumes", [])], disk_volumes=[_disk_volume_from_api(v) for v in data.get("disk_volumes", [])], tty=data.get("tty", False), ) def _container_to_api( config: Config, image: RemoteImage, entrypoint: Optional[str] = None, command: Optional[str] = None, working_dir: Optional[str] = None, http: Optional[HTTPPort] = None, env: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, volumes: Sequence[Volume] = (), secret_env: Optional[Mapping[str, URL]] = None, secret_files: Sequence[SecretFile] = (), disk_volumes: Sequence[DiskVolume] = (), tty: bool = False, shm: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: primitive: Dict[str, Any] = {"image": image.as_docker_url()} if shm: primitive["resources"] = {"shm": shm} if entrypoint: primitive["entrypoint"] = entrypoint if command: primitive["command"] = command if working_dir: primitive["working_dir"] = working_dir if http: primitive["http"] = _http_port_to_api(http) if env: primitive["env"] = env if volumes: primitive["volumes"] = [_volume_to_api(v, config) for v in volumes] if secret_env: primitive["secret_env"] = { k: str( normalize_secret_uri( v, config.username, config.cluster_name, config.org_name ) ) for k, v in secret_env.items() } if secret_files: primitive["secret_volumes"] = [ _secret_file_to_api(v, config) for v in secret_files ] if disk_volumes: primitive["disk_volumes"] = [ _disk_volume_to_api(v, config) for v in disk_volumes ] if tty: primitive["tty"] = True return primitive def _calc_status(stat: str) -> JobStatus: # Forward-compatible support for CANCELLED status try: return JobStatus(stat) except ValueError: return JobStatus.UNKNOWN def _job_status_item_from_api(res: Dict[str, Any]) -> JobStatusItem: return JobStatusItem( status=_calc_status(res.get("status", "unknown")), transition_time=_parse_datetime(res["transition_time"]), reason=res.get("reason", ""), description=res.get("description", ""), exit_code=res.get("exit_code"), ) def _job_description_from_api(res: Dict[str, Any], parse: Parser) -> JobDescription: # TODO y.s.: maybe, catch KeyErrors and re-raise with an error message like # "SDK and API has incompatible versions: {key} was not found in the API response" cluster_name = res["cluster_name"] container = _container_from_api(res["container"], cluster_name, parse) owner = res["owner"] name = res.get("name") tags = res.get("tags", ()) description = res.get("description") history = JobStatusHistory( # Forward-compatible support for CANCELLED status status=_calc_status(res["history"].get("status", "unknown")), reason=res["history"].get("reason", ""), restarts=res["history"].get("restarts", 0), description=res["history"].get("description", ""), created_at=_parse_datetime(res["history"].get("created_at")), started_at=_parse_datetime(res["history"].get("started_at")), finished_at=_parse_datetime(res["history"].get("finished_at")), run_time_seconds=res["history"].get("run_time_seconds"), exit_code=res["history"].get("exit_code"), transitions=[ _job_status_item_from_api(item_raw) for item_raw in res.get("statuses", []) ], ) http_url = URL(res.get("http_url", "")) http_url_named = URL(res.get("http_url_named", "")) internal_hostname = res.get("internal_hostname", None) internal_hostname_named = res.get("internal_hostname_named", None) restart_policy = JobRestartPolicy(res.get("restart_policy", JobRestartPolicy.NEVER)) max_run_time_minutes = res.get("max_run_time_minutes") life_span = ( max_run_time_minutes * 60.0 if max_run_time_minutes is not None else None ) # TODO: this change requires a new release of API with # merged total_price_credits = Decimal(res["total_price_credits"]) price_credits_per_hour = Decimal(res["price_credits_per_hour"]) priority = JobPriority[res.get("priority",] return JobDescription( status=_calc_status(res["status"]), id=res["id"], owner=owner, cluster_name=cluster_name, org_name=res.get("org_name"), history=history, container=container, scheduler_enabled=res["scheduler_enabled"], preemptible_node=res.get("preemptible_node", False), pass_config=res["pass_config"], name=name, tags=tags, description=description, http_url=http_url_named or http_url, internal_hostname=internal_hostname, internal_hostname_named=internal_hostname_named, uri=URL(res["uri"]), restart_policy=restart_policy, life_span=life_span, schedule_timeout=res.get("schedule_timeout", None), preset_name=res.get("preset_name"), total_price_credits=total_price_credits, price_credits_per_hour=price_credits_per_hour, priority=priority, _internal=JobDescriptionInternal( materialized=res.get("materialized", False), being_dropped=res.get("being_dropped", False), logs_removed=res.get("logs_removed", False), ), ) def _job_to_api( cluster_name: str, name: Optional[str] = None, preset_name: Optional[str] = None, tags: Sequence[str] = (), description: Optional[str] = None, pass_config: bool = False, wait_for_jobs_quota: bool = False, schedule_timeout: Optional[float] = None, restart_policy: JobRestartPolicy = JobRestartPolicy.NEVER, life_span: Optional[float] = None, privileged: bool = False, org_name: Optional[str] = None, priority: Optional[JobPriority] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: primitive: Dict[str, Any] = {"pass_config": pass_config} if name: primitive["name"] = name if preset_name: primitive["preset_name"] = preset_name if tags: primitive["tags"] = tags if description: primitive["description"] = description if schedule_timeout: primitive["schedule_timeout"] = schedule_timeout if restart_policy != JobRestartPolicy.NEVER: primitive["restart_policy"] = str(restart_policy) if life_span is not None: primitive["max_run_time_minutes"] = int(life_span // 60) if wait_for_jobs_quota: primitive["wait_for_jobs_quota"] = wait_for_jobs_quota if privileged: primitive["privileged"] = privileged if org_name: primitive["org_name"] = org_name if priority: primitive["priority"] = primitive["cluster_name"] = cluster_name return primitive def _job_telemetry_from_api(value: Dict[str, Any]) -> JobTelemetry: return JobTelemetry( cpu=value["cpu"], memory_bytes=value["memory_bytes"], timestamp=value["timestamp"], gpu_duty_cycle=value.get("gpu_duty_cycle"), gpu_memory_bytes=value.get("gpu_memory_bytes"), ) def _volume_to_api(volume: Volume, config: Config) -> Dict[str, Any]: uri = normalize_storage_path_uri( volume.storage_uri, config.username, config.cluster_name, config.org_name ) resp: Dict[str, Any] = { "src_storage_uri": str(uri), "dst_path": volume.container_path, "read_only": bool(volume.read_only), } return resp def _secret_file_to_api(secret_file: SecretFile, config: Config) -> Dict[str, Any]: uri = normalize_secret_uri( secret_file.secret_uri, config.username, config.cluster_name, config.org_name ) return { "src_secret_uri": str(uri), "dst_path": secret_file.container_path, } def _disk_volume_to_api(volume: DiskVolume, config: Config) -> Dict[str, Any]: uri = normalize_disk_uri( volume.disk_uri, config.username, config.cluster_name, config.org_name ) resp: Dict[str, Any] = { "src_disk_uri": str(uri), "dst_path": volume.container_path, "read_only": bool(volume.read_only), } return resp def _volume_from_api(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Volume: storage_uri = URL(data["src_storage_uri"]) container_path = data["dst_path"] read_only = data.get("read_only", True) return Volume( storage_uri=storage_uri, container_path=container_path, read_only=read_only ) def _secret_file_from_api(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> SecretFile: secret_uri = URL(data["src_secret_uri"]) container_path = data["dst_path"] return SecretFile(secret_uri, container_path) def _disk_volume_from_api(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> DiskVolume: disk_uri = URL(data["src_disk_uri"]) container_path = data["dst_path"] read_only = data.get("read_only", True) return DiskVolume(disk_uri, container_path, read_only) @overload def _parse_datetime(dt: str) -> datetime: ... @overload def _parse_datetime(dt: Optional[str]) -> Optional[datetime]: ... def _parse_datetime(dt: Optional[str]) -> Optional[datetime]: if dt is None: return None return isoparse(dt)