Source code for neuro_sdk._images

import contextlib
import logging
import re
from dataclasses import replace
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set

import aiodocker
import aiohttp
from aiodocker.exceptions import DockerError
from yarl import URL

from ._abc import (
from ._config import Config
from ._core import _Core
from ._errors import AuthorizationError
from ._parser import Parser
from ._parsing_utils import LocalImage, RemoteImage, Tag, TagOption
from ._rewrite import rewrite_module
from ._utils import NoPublicConstructor, aclosing


log = logging.getLogger(__package__)

class Images(metaclass=NoPublicConstructor):
    def __init__(self, core: _Core, config: Config, parse: Parser) -> None:
        self._core = core
        self._config = config
        self._parse = parse
        self._temporary_images: Set[str] = set()
        self.__docker: Optional[aiodocker.Docker] = None

    def _get_image_url(self, remote: RemoteImage) -> URL:
        cluster_name = remote.cluster_name
        if cluster_name:
            assert remote.owner
            registry_url = self._config.get_cluster(cluster_name).registry_url
            registry_url = self._config.registry_url
        org_prefix = ""
        if remote.org_name:
            org_prefix = f"{remote.org_name}/"
        return (
            registry_url.with_path("/v2/") / f"{org_prefix}{remote.owner}/{}"

    def _docker(self) -> aiodocker.Docker:
        if not self.__docker:
                self.__docker = aiodocker.Docker()
            except ValueError as error:
                if re.match(
                    r".*Either DOCKER_HOST or local sockets are not available.*",
                    raise DockerError(
                            "message": "Docker engine is not available. "
                            "Please specify DOCKER_HOST variable "
                            "if you are using remote docker engine"
        return self.__docker

    async def _close(self) -> None:
        for image in self._temporary_images:
            with contextlib.suppress(DockerError, aiohttp.ClientError):
                await self._docker.images.delete(image)
        if self.__docker is not None:
            await self.__docker.close()

[docs] async def push( self, local: LocalImage, remote: Optional[RemoteImage] = None, *, progress: Optional[AbstractDockerImageProgress] = None, ) -> RemoteImage: if remote is None: remote = self._parse._local_to_remote_image(local) if progress is None: progress = _DummyProgress() progress.push(ImageProgressPush(local, remote)) repo = remote.as_docker_url() try: await self._docker.images.tag(str(local), repo) except DockerError as error: if error.status == 404: raise ValueError( f"Image {local} was not found " "in your local docker images" ) from error auth = await self._config._docker_auth() try: async with aclosing( # type: ignore self._docker.images.push(repo, auth=auth, stream=True) ) as it: async for obj in it: step = _try_parse_image_progress_step(obj, remote.tag) if step: progress.step(step) except DockerError as error: # TODO check this part when registry fixed if error.status == 403: raise AuthorizationError(f"Access denied {remote}") from error raise # pragma: no cover return remote
[docs] async def digest(self, remote: RemoteImage) -> str: auth = await self._config._registry_auth() assert remote.tag url = self._get_image_url(remote) / "manifests" / remote.tag async with self._core.request( "HEAD", url, auth=auth, headers={"Accept": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"}, ) as resp: return resp.headers["Docker-Content-Digest"]
[docs] async def size(self, remote: RemoteImage) -> int: tag_information = await self.tag_info(remote) assert tag_information.size return tag_information.size
[docs] async def tag_info(self, remote: RemoteImage) -> Tag: auth = await self._config._registry_auth() assert remote.tag url = self._get_image_url(remote) / "manifests" / remote.tag async with self._core.request( "GET", url, auth=auth, headers={"Accept": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"}, ) as resp: data = await resp.json() size = sum(layer["size"] for layer in data["layers"]) return Tag(name=remote.tag, size=size)
[docs] async def rm(self, remote: RemoteImage, digest: str) -> None: auth = await self._config._registry_auth() url = self._get_image_url(remote) / "manifests" / digest async with self._core.request("DELETE", url, auth=auth) as resp: assert resp
[docs] async def pull( self, remote: RemoteImage, local: Optional[LocalImage] = None, *, progress: Optional[AbstractDockerImageProgress] = None, ) -> LocalImage: if local is None: local = self._parse._remote_to_local_image(remote) if progress is None: progress = _DummyProgress() progress.pull(ImageProgressPull(remote, local)) repo = remote.as_docker_url() auth = await self._config._docker_auth() try: async with aclosing( # type: ignore self._docker.pull(repo, auth=auth, repo=repo, stream=True) ) as it: async for obj in it: self._temporary_images.add(repo) step = _try_parse_image_progress_step(obj, remote.tag) if step: progress.step(step) except DockerError as error: if error.status == 404: raise ValueError( f"Image {remote} was not found " "in registry" ) from error # TODO check this part when registry fixed elif error.status == 403: raise AuthorizationError(f"Access denied {remote}") from error raise # pragma: no cover await self._docker.images.tag(repo, str(local)) return local
[docs] async def list(self, cluster_name: Optional[str] = None) -> List[RemoteImage]: auth = await self._config._registry_auth() if cluster_name is None: cluster_name = self._config.cluster_name prefix = f"image://{cluster_name}/" url = self._config.get_cluster(cluster_name).registry_url url = url.with_path("/v2/") / "_catalog" result: List[RemoteImage] = [] while True: url = url.update_query(n=str(REPOS_PER_PAGE)) async with self._core.request("GET", url, auth=auth) as resp: ret = await resp.json() repos = ret["repositories"] for repo in repos: try: result.append( self._parse.remote_image( prefix + repo, tag_option=TagOption.DENY ) ) except ValueError as err: log.warning(str(err)) if not repos or "next" not in resp.links: break url = URL(resp.links["next"]["url"]) return result
def _validate_image_for_tags(self, image: RemoteImage) -> None: err = f"Invalid image `{image}`: " if image.tag is not None: raise ValueError(err + "tag is not allowed") if not image.owner: raise ValueError(err + "missing image owner") if not raise ValueError(err + "missing image name")
[docs] async def tags(self, image: RemoteImage) -> List[RemoteImage]: self._validate_image_for_tags(image) auth = await self._config._registry_auth() url = self._get_image_url(image) / "tags" / "list" result: List[RemoteImage] = [] while True: url = url.update_query(n=str(TAGS_PER_PAGE)) async with self._core.request("GET", url, auth=auth) as resp: ret = await resp.json() tags = ret.get("tags", []) for tag in tags: result.append(replace(image, tag=tag)) if not tags or "next" not in resp.links: break url = URL(resp.links["next"]["url"]) return result
def _try_parse_image_progress_step( obj: Dict[str, Any], target_image_tag: Optional[str] ) -> Optional[ImageProgressStep]: _raise_on_error_chunk(obj) if "id" in obj and obj["id"] != target_image_tag: progress = obj.get("progress") detail = obj.get("progressDetail") if progress is not None: message = f"{obj['id']}: {obj['status']} {obj['progress']}" else: message = f"{obj['id']}: {obj['status']}" if detail is not None: current = detail.get("current") total = detail.get("total") else: current = total = None return ImageProgressStep(message, obj["id"], obj["status"], current, total) return None def _raise_on_error_chunk(obj: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: if "error" in obj.keys(): error_details = obj.get("errorDetail", {"message": "Unknown error"}) raise DockerError(900, error_details) class _DummyProgress(AbstractDockerImageProgress): def pull(self, data: ImageProgressPull) -> None: pass def push(self, data: ImageProgressPush) -> None: pass def step(self, data: ImageProgressStep) -> None: pass def save(self, data: ImageProgressSave) -> None: pass def commit_started(self, data: ImageCommitStarted) -> None: pass def commit_finished(self, data: ImageCommitFinished) -> None: pass