Source code for neuro_sdk._config

import base64
import contextlib
import json
import logging
import numbers
import os
import re
import sqlite3
import sys
import time
from dataclasses import dataclass, replace
from decimal import Decimal
from pathlib import Path
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import toml
from yarl import URL

from ._core import _Core
from ._errors import ConfigError
from ._login import AuthTokenClient, _AuthConfig, _AuthToken
from ._plugins import ConfigScope, PluginManager, _ParamType
from ._rewrite import rewrite_module
from ._server_cfg import Cluster, Preset, _ServerConfig, get_server_config
from ._utils import NoPublicConstructor, find_project_root, flat

WIN32 = sys.platform == "win32"
CMD_RE = re.compile("[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*")

MALFORMED_CONFIG_MSG = "Malformed config. Please logout and login again."

    "main": flat(
        CREATE TABLE main (auth_config TEXT,
                           token TEXT,
                           expiration_time REAL,
                           refresh_token TEXT,
                           url TEXT,
                           admin_url TEXT,
                           version TEXT,
                           cluster_name TEXT,
                           org_name TEXT,
                           clusters TEXT,
                           timestamp REAL)"""

logger = logging.getLogger(__package__)

class _ConfigData:
    auth_config: _AuthConfig
    auth_token: _AuthToken
    url: URL
    admin_url: Optional[URL]
    version: str
    cluster_name: Optional[str]
    org_name: Optional[str]
    clusters: Mapping[str, Cluster]

class _ConfigRecoveryData:
    url: URL
    cluster_name: str
    org_name: str
    refresh_token: str

class Config(metaclass=NoPublicConstructor):
    def __init__(self, core: _Core, path: Path, plugin_manager: PluginManager) -> None:
        self._core = core
        self._path = path
        self._plugin_manager = plugin_manager
        self.__config_data: Optional[_ConfigData] = None

    def _load(self) -> _ConfigData:
        ret = self.__config_data = _load(self._path)
        return ret

    def _config_data(self) -> _ConfigData:
        ret = self.__config_data
        if ret is None:
            return self._load()
            return ret

    def username(self) -> str:
        return self._config_data.auth_token.username

    def presets(self) -> Mapping[str, Preset]:
        return MappingProxyType(self._cluster.presets)

    def clusters(self) -> Mapping[str, Cluster]:
        return MappingProxyType(self._config_data.clusters)

    def cluster_name(self) -> str:
        if not self._config_data.clusters:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "There are no clusters available. Please logout and login again."
        name = self._get_user_cluster_name()
        if name is None:
            name = self._config_data.cluster_name
        assert name
        return name

    def _get_user_cluster_name(self) -> Optional[str]:
        config = self._get_user_config()
        section = config.get("job")
        if section is not None:
            return section.get("cluster-name")
        return None

    def cluster_orgs(self) -> List[Optional[str]]:
        return self.clusters[self.cluster_name].orgs

    def org_name(self) -> Optional[str]:
        name = self._get_user_org_name()
        if name == "NO_ORG":
            return None
        if name is None:
            name = self._config_data.org_name
        return name

    def _get_user_org_name(self) -> Optional[str]:
        config = self._get_user_config()
        section = config.get("job")
        if section is not None:
            return section.get("org-name")
        return None

    def _cluster(self) -> Cluster:
        return self.get_cluster(self.cluster_name)

    def get_cluster(self, cluster_name: str) -> Cluster:
            return self._config_data.clusters[cluster_name]
        except KeyError:
            if self._get_user_cluster_name() is None:
                tip = "Please logout and login again."
                tip = "Please edit local user config file or logout and login again."
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Cluster {cluster_name} doesn't exist in "
                f"a list of available clusters "
                f"{list(self._config_data.clusters)}. {tip}"
            ) from None

    async def _fetch_config(self) -> _ServerConfig:
        token = await self.token()
        return await get_server_config(self._core._session, self.api_url, token)

    async def check_server(self) -> None:
        from . import __version__

        if self._config_data.version != __version__:
            config_authorized = await self._fetch_config()
            if (
                config_authorized.clusters != self.clusters
                or config_authorized.auth_config != self._config_data.auth_config
                raise ConfigError(
                    "Neuro Platform CLI was updated. Please logout and login again."
            self.__config_data = replace(self._config_data, version=__version__)
            _save(self._config_data, self._path)

[docs] async def fetch(self) -> None: server_config = await self._fetch_config() if self.cluster_name not in server_config.clusters: # Raise exception here? # if yes there is not way to switch cluster without relogin raise RuntimeError( f"Cluster {self.cluster_name} doesn't exist in " f"a list of available clusters " f"{list(server_config.clusters)}. " f"Please logout and login again." ) self.__config_data = replace(self._config_data, clusters=server_config.clusters) _save(self._config_data, self._path)
[docs] async def switch_cluster(self, name: str) -> None: if self._get_user_cluster_name() is not None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot switch the project cluster. " "Please edit the '.neuro.toml' file." ) if name not in self.clusters: raise RuntimeError( f"Cluster {name} doesn't exist in " f"a list of available clusters {list(self.clusters)}. " ) cluster_orgs = self.clusters[name].orgs org_name = self.org_name if org_name not in cluster_orgs: # Cannot keep using same org # If NO_ORG is available - use it # else use first in alphabetical order if None in cluster_orgs: org_name = None else: org_name = sorted(cluster_orgs, key=lambda it: it or "")[0] self.__config_data = replace( self._config_data, cluster_name=name, org_name=org_name ) _save(self._config_data, self._path)
[docs] async def switch_org(self, name: Optional[str]) -> None: if self._get_user_org_name() is not None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot switch the project org. Please edit the '.neuro.toml' file." ) if name not in self._cluster.orgs: cluster_org_names = [org or "NO_ORG" for org in self._cluster.orgs] raise RuntimeError( f"Org {name or 'NO_ORG'} doesn't exist in " f"a list of available orgs {list(cluster_org_names)} for " f"cluster '{self.cluster_name}'. " ) self.__config_data = replace(self._config_data, org_name=name) _save(self._config_data, self._path)
@property def api_url(self) -> URL: return self._config_data.url @property def admin_url(self) -> Optional[URL]: return self._config_data.admin_url @property def service_accounts_url(self) -> URL: # TODO: use URL returned from server when available return self._config_data.url / "service_accounts" @property def monitoring_url(self) -> URL: return self._cluster.monitoring_url @property def storage_url(self) -> URL: return self._cluster.storage_url @property def registry_url(self) -> URL: return self._cluster.registry_url @property def secrets_url(self) -> URL: return self._cluster.secrets_url @property def disk_api_url(self) -> URL: return self._cluster.disks_url @property def bucket_api_url(self) -> URL: return self._cluster.buckets_url
[docs] async def token(self) -> str: token = self._config_data.auth_token if not token.is_expired(): return token.token async with AuthTokenClient( self._core._session, url=self._config_data.auth_config.token_url, client_id=self._config_data.auth_config.client_id, ) as token_client: new_token = await token_client.refresh(token) self.__config_data = replace(self._config_data, auth_token=new_token) with self._open_db() as db: _save_auth_token(db, new_token) return new_token.token
async def _api_auth(self) -> str: token = await self.token() return f"Bearer {token}" async def _docker_auth(self) -> Dict[str, str]: token = await self.token() return {"username": "token", "password": token} async def _registry_auth(self) -> str: token = await self.token() return "Basic " + base64.b64encode( f"{self.username}:{token}".encode("ascii") ).decode("ascii")
[docs] async def get_user_config(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: return _load_user_config(self._plugin_manager, self._path)
def _get_user_config(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: return _load_user_config(self._plugin_manager, self._path) @contextlib.contextmanager def _open_db(self, suppress_errors: bool = True) -> Iterator[sqlite3.Connection]: with _open_db_rw(self._path, suppress_errors) as db: yield db def _load_user_config(plugin_manager: PluginManager, path: Path) -> Mapping[str, Any]: # TODO: search in several locations (HOME+curdir), # merge found configs filename = path / "user.toml" if not filename.exists(): # Empty global configuration config: Mapping[str, Any] = {} elif not filename.is_file(): raise ConfigError(f"User config {filename} should be a regular file") else: config = _load_file( plugin_manager, filename, allow_cluster_name=False, allow_org_name=False ) try: project_root = find_project_root() except ConfigError: return config else: filename = project_root / ".neuro.toml" local_config = _load_file( plugin_manager, filename, allow_cluster_name=True, allow_org_name=True ) return _merge_user_configs(config, local_config) @contextlib.contextmanager def _open_db_rw( path: Path, suppress_errors: bool = True ) -> Iterator[sqlite3.Connection]: path.mkdir(0o700, parents=True, exist_ok=True) # atomically set proper bits path.chmod(0o700) # fix security if config folder already exists config_file = path / "db" with sqlite3.connect(str(config_file)) as db: # forbid access to other users os.chmod(config_file, 0o600) db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row try: db.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL") yield db except sqlite3.DatabaseError as exc: if not suppress_errors: raise msg = "Cannot send the usage statistics: %s" if str(exc) != "database is locked": logger.warning(msg, repr(exc)) else: logger.debug(msg, repr(exc)) @contextlib.contextmanager def _open_db_ro( path: Path, *, skip_schema_check: bool = False ) -> Iterator[sqlite3.Connection]: config_file = path / "db" if not path.exists(): raise ConfigError(f"Config at {path} does not exists. Please login.") if not path.is_dir(): raise ConfigError( f"Config at {path} is not a directory. Please logout and login again." ) if not config_file.is_file(): raise ConfigError( f"Config {config_file} is not a regular file. " "Please logout and login again." ) if not WIN32: stat_dir = path.stat() if stat_dir.st_mode & 0o777 != 0o700: raise ConfigError( f"Config {path} has compromised permission bits, " f"run 'chmod 700 {path}' first" ) stat_file = config_file.stat() if stat_file.st_mode & 0o777 != 0o600: raise ConfigError( f"Config at {config_file} has compromised permission bits, " f"run 'chmod 600 {config_file}' first" ) with sqlite3.connect(str(config_file)) as db: # forbid access for other users os.chmod(config_file, 0o600) if not skip_schema_check: _check_db(db) db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row yield db def _load(path: Path) -> _ConfigData: try: with _open_db_ro(path) as db: cur = db.cursor() # only one row is always present normally cur.execute( """ SELECT auth_config, token, expiration_time, refresh_token, url, admin_url, version, cluster_name, org_name, clusters FROM main ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1""" ) payload = cur.fetchone() api_url = URL(payload["url"]) if not payload["admin_url"]: admin_url = None else: admin_url = URL(payload["admin_url"]) auth_config = _deserialize_auth_config(payload) clusters = _deserialize_clusters(payload) version = payload["version"] cluster_name = payload["cluster_name"] org_name = payload["org_name"] auth_token = _AuthToken( payload["token"], payload["expiration_time"], payload["refresh_token"] ) return _ConfigData( auth_config=auth_config, auth_token=auth_token, url=api_url, admin_url=admin_url, version=version, cluster_name=cluster_name, org_name=org_name, clusters=clusters, ) except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError, ValueError, sqlite3.DatabaseError): raise ConfigError(MALFORMED_CONFIG_MSG) def _load_recovery_data(path: Path) -> _ConfigRecoveryData: try: with _open_db_ro(path, skip_schema_check=True) as db: cur = db.cursor() # only one row is always present normally try: cur.execute( """ SELECT refresh_token, url, cluster_name, org_name FROM main ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1""" ) payload = cur.fetchone() except sqlite3.OperationalError: # Maybe this config was created before org_name was added? cur.execute( """ SELECT refresh_token, url, cluster_name FROM main ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1""" ) payload = cur.fetchone() return _ConfigRecoveryData( url=URL(payload["url"]), cluster_name=payload["cluster_name"], refresh_token=payload["refresh_token"], org_name=payload["org_name"] if "org_name" in payload else None, ) except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError, ValueError, sqlite3.DatabaseError): raise ConfigError(MALFORMED_CONFIG_MSG) def _deserialize_auth_config(payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> _AuthConfig: auth_config = json.loads(payload["auth_config"]) success_redirect_url = auth_config.get("success_redirect_url") if success_redirect_url: success_redirect_url = URL(success_redirect_url) return _AuthConfig( auth_url=URL(auth_config["auth_url"]), token_url=URL(auth_config["token_url"]), logout_url=URL(auth_config["logout_url"]), client_id=auth_config["client_id"], audience=auth_config["audience"], headless_callback_url=URL(auth_config["headless_callback_url"]), success_redirect_url=success_redirect_url, callback_urls=tuple(URL(u) for u in auth_config.get("callback_urls", [])), ) def _deserialize_clusters(payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Cluster]: clusters = json.loads(payload["clusters"]) ret: Dict[str, Cluster] = {} for cluster_config in clusters: cluster = Cluster( name=cluster_config["name"], orgs=cluster_config.get("orgs", [None]), registry_url=URL(cluster_config["registry_url"]), storage_url=URL(cluster_config["storage_url"]), users_url=URL(cluster_config["users_url"]), monitoring_url=URL(cluster_config["monitoring_url"]), secrets_url=URL(cluster_config["secrets_url"]), disks_url=URL(cluster_config["disks_url"]), buckets_url=URL(cluster_config["buckets_url"]), presets=dict( _deserialize_resource_preset(data) for data in cluster_config.get("presets", []) ), ) ret[] = cluster return ret def _deserialize_resource_preset(payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[str, Preset]: return ( payload["name"], Preset( credits_per_hour=Decimal(payload["credits_per_hour"]), cpu=payload["cpu"], memory=payload["memory"], gpu=payload.get("gpu"), gpu_model=payload.get("gpu_model"), tpu_type=payload.get("tpu_type", None), tpu_software_version=payload.get("tpu_software_version", None), scheduler_enabled=payload.get("scheduler_enabled", False), preemptible_node=payload.get("preemptible_node", False), ), ) def _deserialize_auth_token(payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> _AuthToken: auth_payload = payload["auth_token"] return _AuthToken( token=auth_payload["token"], expiration_time=auth_payload["expiration_time"], refresh_token=auth_payload["refresh_token"], ) def _save_auth_token(db: sqlite3.Connection, token: _AuthToken) -> None: db.execute( "UPDATE main SET token=?, expiration_time=?, refresh_token=?", (token.token, token.expiration_time, token.refresh_token), ) with contextlib.suppress(sqlite3.OperationalError): db.commit() def _save(config: _ConfigData, path: Path, suppress_errors: bool = True) -> None: # The wierd method signature is required for communicating with existing # Factory._save() try: url = str(config.url) if not config.admin_url: admin_url = None else: admin_url = str(config.admin_url) auth_config = _serialize_auth_config(config.auth_config) clusters = _serialize_clusters(config.clusters) version = config.version cluster_name = config.cluster_name org_name = config.org_name token = config.auth_token except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError, ValueError): raise ConfigError(MALFORMED_CONFIG_MSG) with _open_db_rw(path, suppress_errors) as db: _init_db_maybe(db) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("DELETE FROM main") cur.execute( """ INSERT INTO main (auth_config, token, expiration_time, refresh_token, url, admin_url, version, cluster_name, org_name, clusters, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""", ( auth_config, token.token, token.expiration_time, token.refresh_token, url, admin_url, version, cluster_name, org_name, clusters, time.time(), ), ) db.commit() def _serialize_auth_config(auth_config: _AuthConfig) -> str: success_redirect_url = None if auth_config.success_redirect_url: success_redirect_url = str(auth_config.success_redirect_url) return json.dumps( { "auth_url": str(auth_config.auth_url), "token_url": str(auth_config.token_url), "logout_url": str(auth_config.logout_url), "client_id": auth_config.client_id, "audience": auth_config.audience, "headless_callback_url": str(auth_config.headless_callback_url), "success_redirect_url": success_redirect_url, "callback_urls": [str(u) for u in auth_config.callback_urls], } ) def _serialize_clusters(clusters: Mapping[str, Cluster]) -> str: ret: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] for cluster in clusters.values(): cluster_config = { "name":, "orgs": cluster.orgs, "registry_url": str(cluster.registry_url), "storage_url": str(cluster.storage_url), "users_url": str(cluster.users_url), "monitoring_url": str(cluster.monitoring_url), "secrets_url": str(cluster.secrets_url), "disks_url": str(cluster.disks_url), "buckets_url": str(cluster.buckets_url), "presets": [ _serialize_resource_preset(name, preset) for name, preset in cluster.presets.items() ], } ret.append(cluster_config) return json.dumps(ret) def _serialize_resource_preset(name: str, preset: Preset) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "name": name, "credits_per_hour": str(preset.credits_per_hour), "cpu": preset.cpu, "memory": preset.memory, "gpu": preset.gpu, "gpu_model": preset.gpu_model, "tpu_type": preset.tpu_type, "tpu_software_version": preset.tpu_software_version, "scheduler_enabled": preset.scheduler_enabled, "preemptible_node": preset.preemptible_node, } def _merge_user_configs( older: Mapping[str, Any], newer: Mapping[str, Any] ) -> Mapping[str, Any]: ret: Dict[str, Any] = {} for key, val in older.items(): if key not in newer: # keep older key/values ret[key] = val else: # key is present in both newer and older new_val = newer[key] if isinstance(new_val, Mapping) and isinstance(val, Mapping): # merge nested dictionaries ret[key] = _merge_user_configs(val, new_val) else: # for non-dicts newer overrides older ret[key] = new_val for key in newer.keys() - older.keys(): # Add keys/values from newer that absent in older ret[key] = newer[key] return ret def _check_sections( config: Mapping[str, Any], valid_names: Set[str], filename: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"], ) -> None: extra_sections = config.keys() - valid_names if extra_sections: raise ConfigError( f"{filename}: unsupported config sections: {extra_sections!r}" ) for name in valid_names: section = config.get(name, {}) if not isinstance(section, dict): raise ConfigError( f"{filename}: {name!r} should be a section, got {section!r}" ) def _check_item( val: Any, validator: Any, full_name: str, filename: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"], ) -> None: if isinstance(validator, tuple): container_type, item_type = validator if not isinstance(val, container_type): raise ConfigError( f"{filename}: invalid type for {full_name}, " f"{container_type.__name__} is expected" ) for num, i in enumerate(val): _check_item(i, item_type, f"{full_name}[{num}]", filename) else: assert isinstance(validator, type) and issubclass( validator, (bool, numbers.Real, numbers.Integral, str) ) # validator for integer types should be numbers.Real or numbers.Integral, # not int or float if not isinstance(val, validator): raise ConfigError( f"{filename}: invalid type for {full_name}, " f"{validator.__name__} is expected" ) def _check_section( config: Mapping[str, Any], section: str, params: Mapping[str, _ParamType], filename: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"], ) -> None: sec = config.get(section) if sec is None: return diff = sec.keys() - params.keys() if diff: diff_str = ", ".join(f"{section}.{name}" for name in sorted(diff)) raise ConfigError(f"{filename}: unknown parameters {diff_str}") for name, validator in params.items(): val = sec.get(name) if val is None: continue _check_item(val, validator, f"{section}.{name}", filename) def _validate_user_config( plugin_manager: PluginManager, config: Mapping[str, Any], filename: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"], allow_cluster_name: bool = False, allow_org_name: bool = False, ) -> None: # This was a hard decision. # Config structure should be validated to generate meaningful error messages. # # API should do it but API don't use user config itself, the config is entirely # for CLI needs. # # Since currently CLI is the only API client that reads user config data, API # validates it. if not allow_cluster_name: if "cluster-name" in config.get("job", {}): raise ConfigError( f"{filename}: cluster name is not allowed in global user " f"config file, use 'neuro config switch-cluster' for " f"changing the default cluster name" ) if not allow_org_name: if "org-name" in config.get("job", {}): raise ConfigError( f"{filename}: org name is not allowed in global user " f"config file, use 'neuro config switch-org' for " f"changing the default org name" ) config_spec = plugin_manager.config._get_spec( ConfigScope.GLOBAL if not allow_cluster_name else ConfigScope.ALL ) # Alias section uses different validation _check_sections(config, set(config_spec.keys()) | {"alias"}, filename) for section_name, section_validator in config_spec.items(): _check_section(config, section_name, section_validator, filename) aliases = config.get("alias", {}) for key, value in aliases.items(): # check keys and values if not CMD_RE.fullmatch(key): raise ConfigError(f"{filename}: invalid alias name {key}") if not isinstance(value, dict): raise ConfigError( f"{filename}: invalid alias command type {type(value)}, " "run 'neuro help aliases' for getting info about specifying " "aliases in config files" ) _validate_alias(key, value, filename) def _validate_alias( key: str, value: Dict[str, str], filename: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"] ) -> None: # TODO: add validation for both internal and external aliases pass def _load_file( plugin_manager: PluginManager, filename: Path, *, allow_cluster_name: bool, allow_org_name: bool, ) -> Mapping[str, Any]: try: config = toml.load(filename) except ValueError as exc: raise ConfigError(f"{filename}: {exc}") _validate_user_config( plugin_manager, config, filename, allow_cluster_name=allow_cluster_name, allow_org_name=allow_org_name, ) return config def _load_schema(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> Dict[str, str]: cur = db.cursor() schema = {} cur.execute("SELECT type, name, sql from sqlite_master") for type, name, sql in cur: if type not in ("table", "index"): continue if name.startswith("sqlite"): # internal object continue schema[name] = sql return schema def _check_db(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> None: schema = _load_schema(db) for name, sql in SCHEMA.items(): if name not in schema: raise ConfigError(MALFORMED_CONFIG_MSG) if sql != schema[name]: raise ConfigError(MALFORMED_CONFIG_MSG) def _init_db_maybe(db: sqlite3.Connection) -> None: # create schema for empty database if needed schema = _load_schema(db) cur = db.cursor() for name, sql in SCHEMA.items(): if name not in schema: cur.execute(sql)